Étienne Mollier wrote on 9/5/19 1:38 PM:

> On my side, the window manager happily brings up the first
> konqueror window having been started, and the "konqueror"
> command gives back the hand to the shell, instead of spawning a
> new window, which I believe is the expected behaviour ?

I'm afraid that I don't understand what you are asking.

> According to my few tests and browsing diverse konqueror related
> documents, it would seem that running several konqueror
> processes is technically prevented by various means, probably
> on purpose.  

I wonder why? This is new behaviour, at least on my systems. In the past,
multiple instances of konqueror peacefully co-existed and did exactly what one
would naïvely expect. For years I have configured a the keyboard shortcut
"alt-S" to be the command "konqueror", and have been able to start as many
instances (processes) as I want with that method.

For example: I am typing this on a stretch system. And between typing that
last sentence and this one, I created five instances of konqueror. They all
work perfectly.

I've used konqueror since the old Mandrake days (somewhere around 2002 is my
best guess). Multiple instances have always worked fine before on my systems.
I find the change very mysterious... and the lack of documentation anywhere I
can find to justify, or even describe this new behaviour, equally puzzling.

> Perhaps you can work this around some way or
> another, depending on your use case.  If by "instances", you
> mean:
By "instances" I meant "processes". I'm sorry that that wasn't clear.

>       $ konqueror . # brings up a new window showing the CWD

I just spent some time experimenting, and indeed I found a way to get the
behaviour I've always seen before:

If I map "alt-S" to "konqueror <my-home-directory>" instead of just
"konqueror" then it seems perfectly happy to start multiple instances.

So the problem is solved -- if not understood -- and I thank you for this clue.


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