On 9/10/19 4:30 AM, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
> After upgrading the old laptop from Jessie to Stretch, I noticed that
> the screensaver in Mate environment does not work for me as before. For
> example, when the screen goes black after some time of inactivity, for
> returning back it is not enough just to touch the touchpad or press any
> key. Instead, pressing any key or touching the touchpad makes the screen
> just some 1% lighter than the full black (or better to say, it remains
> 99% black). However, the last working GUI does not return.

I have this same issue with the default configuration of XFCE on Buster,
where the problem was not present on Stretch.

Is light-locker installed, and do you use lightdm?  light-locker appears
to be the source of this issue.  Googling "light-locker black screen"
returns dozens of posts across many sites complaining about the same

I resolved this issue by removing light-locker and installing
xscreensaver instead.  Note that this required removing a few
metapackages, and then marking the dependent packages that I wanted to
keep as manually installed to prevent apt from removing most of my
desktop tools.

Chris Howie

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