On 28/10/2019 09:47, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Hi Tony,

Quoting Tony van der Hoff (2019-10-28 10:17:13)
I've just attempted to upgrade from Jessie to buster. All went well
until the dist-upgrade stage, when it ran out of space in my /usr
partition. which has 14G allocated. 1.4G of this appears to be the
doc/ folder, which seems excessive. It has, for instance all the
language files, whereas I only require en-GB.

Can anyone please advise on how to get rid of this chaff?

You might like the package localepurge

Please read the warning in the package description carefully, though.

Thanks for your swift reply, Jonas. I didn't try your suggestion, because in the meantime I decided that after many upgrades, the system was in such a messy state, that it would benefit from a full reload.

So, I set about installing it from the latest netinst .iso image, which went quite smoothly.

Sadly, on reboot, I get the error:
file /grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found.
Entering rescue mode...

Now what to do?

Cheers, Tony

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