On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 12:43:17PM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> Well, it seems it's failing because it tries to enable the php7.3
> module -- which it can't do, because the module's not THERE.
> If it were me, I would attempt to purge this package (not just remove),
> and then reinstall it.

The --reinstall should have handled that.

> If purging fails because of a2enmod being unable to find the module
> and manipulate it in various ways, then it might be necessary to
> short-circuit the prerm/postinst/etc. scripts so that they do nothing,
> just so you can purge everything.
> The normal way to do that with a prerm or postinst script is to stick
> "exit 0" near the top of it.

That would be a good approach.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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