On Sat, 8 Feb 2020 10:28:59 +0800
kaye n <guik...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *So, how long does it take to load the second time?*
> About 4 seconds.
> After doing this:
> *kaye@laptop:~$ sudo suroot@laptop:/home/kaye# sync && echo 3 >
> /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches*
> Yes, it opened slow again.  Slow disk then?  Should I replace it soon?

Slow disk? Probably. I wouldn't put another spinning drive in it though.
Will it take a SATA SSD?  You can buy 128GB to 256GB ones for under $40
new.  Less on sale. Does the notebook even have SATA?

> *Drives? Presumably Patrick's fancy system uses SSD, maybe the OP has real
> hard drives.*
> It's still the original hard drive that came with the laptop.  Bought the
> laptop nine years ago.

Maybe, it's time to consider getting a newer, but not necessarily new
machine. You can only do so much to improve performance of an old
machine.  Even less for a notebook.  And at some point, it's just
no longer cost effective to do so.


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