On Fri, Apr 3, 2020, 14:41 Bernard <bdebr...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi to Everyone,
> Having done some minor resettings on alsamixer with no results, I
> thought I had to reboot.
> But : "Oh no, something has gone wrong..."
> So, I am writing this message from my other laptop running Ubuntu 14.04
> I tried to reboot in rescue mode, but I don't know what to do from
> there. 'startx' says that it doesn't have the proper files to launch
> startx as root.
> login
> bd
> says : wrong login (doesn't even ask a pswd)
> I remember a few years back on older versions, I had used 'System Rescue
> CD', but this said CD, provided that I find it, would probably no work
> on this system
> Thanks in advance for your help so that I can expect to boot my system
> without loss of data
> By the way: not only did I reset alsamixer prior to rebooting, also I
> had accepted an automatic system upgrade this morning.
> Bernard

Hi, Bernard.

I can't really help you with your specific current problem, but since you
mentioned SystemRescueCD, I just wanted to note that a new version,
SystemRescueCD 6.1.2, just came out a few days ago, 2020-03-29.

It is easy to write the .iso to a usb  thumb drive and run it from there.

The website, including instructions, is:


Good luck!

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