On 2020-05-30 at 09:45, Richard Owlett wrote:

> On 05/30/2020 06:14 AM, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
>> On 30/05/2020 10:52, Richard Owlett wrote:

>>> *PROBLEM* As package is not installed, that directory does *NOT*
>>> exist.
>>> Where to find required documentation on the web?
>>> NOTE BENE This post is about man pages as a class.
>> `sudo apt install popularity-contest`
> Not always a good idea -- see my reply to Tomas. Not always
> physically possible -- a non-privileged user may benefit from the
> documentation of an uninstalled package.

Possible workarounds for that scenario:

* 'apt-get source popularity-contest', find the source of the file
you're looking for in the resulting directory, and read that

* download the .deb from snapshot.debian.org, extract it with 'dpkg -x
filename.deb directory-to-extract-into', find the file you're looking
for in the resulting directory, and read that

There are possibly others.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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