On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 12:14:30PM +0200, Marc SCHAEFER wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 09, 2020 at 09:59:12AM +0200, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > To verify/falsify that, you might run xprop on your xterm window.
> > The property you are looking for is called WM_NAME. You can even
> xprop | grep WM_NAME
> WM_NAME(STRING) = "schaefer@reliand: /home/schaefer"

So xterm is "setting" [1] its title correctly.

> > use xprop to /set/ the window property -- this way you can be sure
> xprop -f WM_NAME 8s -set WM_NAME "toto"

This is to be expected, after what you found out above.


Given that evidence, my guess is that the window manager is somehow
botching the title bar dispay. Either it tries to use some non-existent
font, or it's writing with the same background and foreground colour
or something.

Have you tried another "classic" X program? For example xmag or xeyes?

This may be a hint -- either your window manager is specifically treating
xterm in a special way, or the decorations of all "classic" X programs
fail in the same way.


[1] Of course it cannot actually "set" the title. It just can ask
   politely the window manager to do it.

 - t

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