On 2020-10-24 19:35-0400, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > Any suggestions?  
> mutt, with a mailcap that includes:

+1 for mutt.

> X-Message-Flag: Cannot contact reaper.nsa.gov. Trying bucket.cia.gov..
> X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett

Thanks for the laugh :) but not sure which client you're using ...

> that gets you a fast, sane mail client which will pop a message into
> Firefox should you want to view it that way. (Hit "v" while looking
> at the normal version of the message.  Nothing is going to render HTML
> better than a browser.

True. But something makes me itchy about loading spam HTML from 
anywhere, especially if it is one of those ransomware mails.


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