On Du, 25 oct 20, 21:00:03, Joe wrote:
> Synaptic, the GUI tool, is a front end to apt-get. All the apt tools
> are a front end to dpkg, which does all the work but does no dependency
> checking and is therefore not safe to be used directly.

dpkg does its own dependency checking, in addition to APT (the software, 
not the command), and will prevent any inconsistencies unless you use 
one of the --force switches.

In my opinion this is pretty safe ;)

APT, aptitude and others are more than just front ends to dpkg as they 
are also the ones working with your configured repositories.

> All of the tools have a 'safe' mode which is guaranteed not to remove
> packages. However, many upgrades do require the removal of some
> packages, so the safe mode will only get you so far in these cases.
> If you are using Stable, there should never be any real problem in
> upgrading. 

'apt-get upgrade' is insufficient even on a stable system, e.g. due to 
the kernel package changing names, it's better to just use 'apt upgrade' 
(or 'aptitude safe-upgrade') instead.

Kind regards,

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