On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 05:56:02AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 03/24/2021 07:43 PM, IL Ka wrote:
> >>   learning by doing
> >
> >Theory and practice are both important. It is crucial to
> >understand how IP networks work, so I'd start with book
> >likeĀ "TCP/IP Network Administration"
> That book is not available at the local library but some chapters
> are on the internet. I'll spend some time with them.

There is one other thing you have to take into account here:
if I understood you correctly, you want two computers to "talk
to each other" over WiFi, possibly without intervention of a
third box.

To get the TCP/IP layer working, you'll have first to get the
WiFi layer working. This one is a bit strange, since it is
inherently asymmetrical: each network "segment" (corresponding
roughly to a bunch of computers tied to one or more network
hubs in the wired world) is tied together by an "access point":
they don't "talk to each other".

So if you want to succeed in your two-box scenario, you'll have
to convince one of your two boxes to play the role of an "access
point" [1], and whether this works depends on whether your WiFi
"hardware" plays along.

Well. I lied somewhat above. There is also "ad hoc" [2] mode,
which I have no experience with. Again, the network "hardware"
has to be willing.

I put network "hardware" in quotes, because your humble WiFi
card is a full-fledged computer, with some operating system
(called euphemistically "firmware") with some radio stuff
dangling off it.

The Arch Linux wiki is pretty good on such topics, the refs
given below should give you some overview.

[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/software_access_point
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ad-hoc_networking

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