On 06/21/2021 10:29 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
Many see the need for examples to be associated with man pages.
Sometime back a post mentioned a web page that could return examples for most(all??) Linux commands. I failed to bookmark it and have not rediscovered it since.

In another forum I was pointed to https://cht.sh/ .
Going to  https://cht.sh/XXX  will return a list of examples for XXX.

Along the right side of each page of /manpages.debian.org/... there is a list of links to various topics.

Would it be proper/reasonable/practical/??? to add an entry of the form https://cht.sh/XXX ?


I just checked. That page does not explicitly address Greg Wooledge's comment[1] in another thread about handling one command with conflicting implementations. [e.g. "parallel"]

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2021/06/msg00496.html

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