On 06/21/2021 11:49 AM, Nate Bargmann wrote:
* On 2021 21 Jun 10:30 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
Many see the need for examples to be associated with man pages.

My name is among the authors of a few man pages found in the Debian
archive with regard to some software used primarily by radio amateurs.
Part of the issue is how many examples are enough and how many are too
much.  I landed at the point of providing enough for the curious to get
a sense of the options and how to provide them for programs.  Mostly
this was aimed at those more familiar with GUI programs not programs
that take command line options.

Manual pages that focus on library API calls have yet another challenge
for providing examples.  The Linux Man Pages Project seems to do a good
job in sections 2 (system calls) and 3 (C library calls) with concise
and useful examples and should probably serve as an example for other
authors to follow, IMO.

Sometime back a post mentioned a web page that could return examples for
most(all??) Linux commands. I failed to bookmark it and have not
rediscovered it since.

That may have been me.  Here is an example:

        $ curl cheat.sh/curl

The cheat.sh site is not mine and I have no relation to it.
In another forum I was pointed to https://cht.sh/ .
Going to  https://cht.sh/XXX  will return a list of examples for XXX.

It is the same site only through the Web interface.

IIRC the page I saw was neither chat.sh nor cht.sh .
Right now both seem to have long response times.
I may have local hardware issues as some purely local operations have strange delays.

Along the right side of each page of /manpages.debian.org/... there is a
list of links to various topics.

Would it be proper/reasonable/practical/??? to add an entry of the form
https://cht.sh/XXX ?

That question would be better posed to the Debian Web site team than

I asked here as the subject had been raised here and I wanted feed back from people had raised the issue.

As to discussing its implementation I was leaning to raising it on
debian-doc rather than debian-www.

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