On 7/4/21, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> On Fri 02 Jul 2021 at 02:24:20 (-0400), Albretch Mueller wrote:
>>  David Chartash at the corpora research mailing list pointed out to me
>> I could find what I wanted at:
>>  http://kbdlayout.info/
> That's for Windows, isn't it.

 Yes, but at the end of the day the written characters in a text is
what matters to my line of work.

> My point about the mapping of unicode → keys depressed² seems to
> have been missed.
> so if you were to meet ø in your subject text, how would you
> determine which keys were struck in order to add them to your
> heat map?

 I mentioned "heat patterns" when I talk about his work (which I don't
understand anyway). I used his work because he "mapped" the key
sequences and resulting chars for different languages in a useful way
to me.


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