On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 11:43:15PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> I presume you type /etc/fstab into your post, both because of the
> missing # for the comment, and because the /dev/sr0 line has too
> many fields. It should contain   udf,iso9660 user,noauto
> without spaces after the commas.

The space between iso9660 and user should *also* be a comma.  The
original post was a mess, and I agree, she probably typed it by
hand (with multiple errors -- *all* of the comments were missing their
pound signs, for instance, not just the one you mentioned).

Anyway, this thread has gone on for a ridiculously long time.  She
just needs to identify the correct device name, and create a new
directory in which to mount it.

It's sad that people always somehow think they need to use existing
directories for their mount points.  You can just "mkdir /stella" and
use that, and voila -- no conflicts.  It's an ephemeral system, so you
aren't even "polluting" a "pristine" root file system with your new
directory.  It's all temporary.

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