On 2021-07-30 15:36, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 03:21:47PM +0100, mick crane wrote:
>>> > Can I assume there is something else binding to the scanner address ?


>>it's inetd
>>tcp        0      0*


The only thing not commented out is
sane-port stream tcp nowait saned /usr/sbin/scanbm scanbm

The scanbd installer package must have put it there.
I'm thinking inetd is the thing that is watching and tells scanbm to
wake up.

Exactly: that's inetd's job (well, it used to be, until
systemd "reinvented" it).

 - t

This is getting silly. Why have I got 2 scanners
mick@pumpkin:~$ scanimage -L
device `net:localhost:fujitsu:fi-5750Cdj:107245' is a FUJITSU fi-5750Cdj scanner device `net:localhost:escl:fi-5750Cdj:107245' is a FUJITSU fi-5750Cdj scanner
what is this "escl" one?
How hard is it to get rid of this systemd and helper things stuff ?
I like things to work but I'm quite capable of breaking things on my own.
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