Andrew M.A. Cater wrote: 
> On Sun, Aug 01, 2021 at 04:30:45PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > Security.
> > Rarely discussed in Linux(?)..

Discussed all the time.

> > After trying "all" workarounds, I installed another, more simple Linux
> > distro, built up a new setup of relevant programs to build VM, containers,
> > websites, Debian iso image, & CHEF.
> Which distro - are you still using Debian?
> If not, we can't really help you. Although many of us have run other 
> distributions in the past, all of the Debian/Ubuntu derivatives do
> something slightly different - we can only really help with generic
> Debian things. If we offer help with any other distribution, it's
> only ever best efforts - Debian derivatives have their own support
> infrastructure.
> > Now Chef asks me to give URL to continue setting up a VM etc.
> > Plz advise &/or help to do it/this.

You need a chef-server already set up on another machine. You
probably don't have a chef-server set up. Installing one on
Debian is a problem...

> It may not be relevant but the chef and chef-zero packages in Buster appear 
> to no longer be packaged in Bullseye - the upcoming release due in two weeks.
> Ask on a Chef list, perhaps?

The problem is that the company that was developing chef was
purchased by a company which is rather hostile to open source,
and - as far as I can tell - the group which was planning on
forking chef and producing cinc (cinc is not chef) has run into

Although I like chef quite a bit, I cannot recommend it to anyone who
is starting to use an open source configuration automation system at
this time. Existing users may or may not be comfortable
continuing on with old chef-server versions until cinc is ready.

Viable alternatives include puppet, salt, ansible, bcfg2,
cfengine3, and probably many others.


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