Here's some example of hard to understand posts...
Maybe I ain't the only one following the thread, that tried to help
Gunnar but got lost in the linguistics problems.

On 2021-08-01 9:39 a.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> Dual boot'ed,
> I forgot to tell you.
> Thus the sucker(?) can sit 'alone' in a dysfunctional 1/2 of my PC,
> maybe 'he' never returns anyway.
*dysfunction 1/2 of your PC ?*

Okay this could be related to the first sentence about dual booting.
So you got one of the two system not working.

Which one ?
You know, how are we supposed to know.

> After built up all in 1 'secret' 1/2, I plan to re-partition the 1t
*all in 1 'secret' 1/2 ?*

What is this supposed to mean

> half, to clean out 'all' dysfunctions, in a Linux, & Linux Debian
*clean out all dysfunction in a Linux & Linux Debian*

So you have two Debian system ?

> 'answer' to Factory Reset, a learning way, which FReset really isn't, or
> little.
*'answer' to Factory Reset* ?

Where you answered what ?

FReset ? Is it a typo for Reset or a way for you to say Factory Reset ?

Trying to save a few letter won't help your case.

Unless you are using a 300 baud modem, maybe you should let go the space
saving acronym and use plain English.

I won't go back to the list of messages...

But here's one that is pretty much the top of line when we consider hard
to understand.


Thx for the request to help in this project even not knowing code. I'll
firstly try it on my 14 yr old Debian Buster ex-macbook. Nice way to
include more people &, probably, improve+stabilize the distro much faster.
Learning Linux Debian is a nice hobby(feels more like a lifestyle)


*A ex-Macbook ? what make it change from a MacBook to a none-Macbook ?*


>> On 2021-07-28 3:16 p.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
>>> It is a Toshiba 160 gb hd in a 14 years old Macbook i386 ❤️/x86 32 b
>>> booting from Bios not uefi. I'll give full report in 1-2 weeks, after
>>> put in VM in it, faster internet to it to handle VM.
>>> And built websites with it.
>>> Geg


> One might assume from
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2021/07/msg01033.html
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2021/07/msg01167.html
> that these deal with the same machine, and that Gunnar hasn't quite
> mastered the technique of threading, but is keen to add to the
> list of tested hardware.
One doesn't always read all the messages and only uses the subject to
get a idea.

Now is he saying his machine can WORK with Debian or is this related to
the message I had with him earlier about a problem with his system NOT
WORKING and CRASHING on update, requiring CLEAN REINSTALL.

And this is the part that would be nice to know...


*And we still don't know !*

> BR,
> Geg.
> On Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 18:59 Dan Ritter, <d...@randomstring.org
> <mailto:d...@randomstring.org>> wrote:
>     Reco wrote:
>     > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 10:51:40AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
>     > Numbers show that I was incorrect. Let's call it "unlikely" instead of
>     > "rare". Let the popcon graphs speak for themselves:
>     >
>     > https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=firefox-esr
>     <https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=firefox-esr>
>     > vs
>     > https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=openjdk-11
>     <https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=openjdk-11>
>     Standard reminder: popcon vastly over-represents
>     individually-owned laptops and desktops over servers and
>     corporately-owned anything.
>     In this case, individuals are sometimes infected with ransomware
>     by happenstance, but corporates are actually targets.
>     > It won't by itself, of course. One sure way to beat ransomware is to
>     > take immutable backups (i.e. unmodifiable by host during and after the
>     > backup is taken), and as recent history shows us - ransomware victims
>     > apparently do not use this approach.
>     Yes indeed.
>     -dsr-

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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