On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 03:01:43PM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 08:26:34AM -0400, SDA wrote:
> > BTW there has been an off-topic list introduced by a community member,
> > but it seems has had little uptake.
> I looked into this the other day, because I hadn't seen reference to it
> for a while. It was called d-community-offtopic; it was hosted on the
> Alioth server, and I think its eventual demise was when Alioth was
> turned off in around 2018.
> The last non-spam message to it was, I think, in 2016. The archives are
> here:
> https://alioth-lists-archive.debian.net/pipermail/d-community-offtopic.mbox/
Thanks for the update Jonathan.

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