Am Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2021, 12:55:49 CEST schrieben Sie:
I am answering myself. Still could not dircover, in which version of plasma 
the settings were changed.

The other thing is: Do not delete the folder ~/.kde, because by default it 
keeps all your mails in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/, which is the default 
place for storing mails. However, you can move this folder to another place 
and reconfigure kmail.

But, even then, you can not delete the folder ~/.kde, as plasma is still 
needing it for some files (i.e. kde.globals). I believe, this is just a bug, 
and believe, the developers might have overseen this.

Please note, I am still running debian/stable, which means, that the plasma 
version is 5.20, whilst the development in testing or unstable is already 

So it looks like you will have either to upgrade to testing or unstable, or 
just delete all configs below ~/.kde which are existent below ~/.config.

Maybe someone will write a transition script to get rid of unused config file 
below ~/.kde. On the other hand, in about 2 years bookworm will be stable, and 
maybe this issue will be solved automatically.


> Hi folks,
> somehow I missed something and was surprised today.
> Does anyone know, when plasma (kde) did change the position of its
> configuration files from ~/.kde to ~/.config? And according to this, is
> ~/.kde still needed or can it be safely fully deleted?
> Thanks for reading and any answers.
> Best
> Hans

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