On Jo, 07 oct 21, 15:26:38, Hans wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2021, 12:55:49 CEST schrieben Sie:
> I am answering myself. Still could not dircover, in which version of plasma 
> the settings were changed.
> The other thing is: Do not delete the folder ~/.kde, because by default it 
> keeps all your mails in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/, which is the default 
> place for storing mails. However, you can move this folder to another place 
> and reconfigure kmail.
> But, even then, you can not delete the folder ~/.kde, as plasma is still 
> needing it for some files (i.e. kde.globals). I believe, this is just a bug, 
> and believe, the developers might have overseen this.
> Please note, I am still running debian/stable, which means, that the plasma 
> version is 5.20, whilst the development in testing or unstable is already 
> 5.21.
> So it looks like you will have either to upgrade to testing or unstable, or 
> just delete all configs below ~/.kde which are existent below ~/.config.
> Maybe someone will write a transition script to get rid of unused config file 
> below ~/.kde. On the other hand, in about 2 years bookworm will be stable, 
> and 
> maybe this issue will be solved automatically.

This may or may not help in this particular situation, considering this 
is about a full-featured Desktop Environment (with which I have only 
limited experience).

Developers tend to be quite conservative on such moves and will err on 
the side of caution *if* the old folder is still present.

My usual strategy in the past has been to move the old folder out of the 
way and let the application recreate its stuff in the new location. Then 
move data / reconfigure as needed.

Hope this helps,

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