On Thursday, December 23, 2021 04:26:54 PM Jeremy Ardley wrote:
> Getting back to the OP, on the scale of likelihood:
> - zero probability a bad guy was sitting across the street to intercept
> his phone
> - zero probability a carrier exchange was compromised by a non-state actor
> - moderate probability the financial institution PBX was compromised
> - good probability the OP computer *could* have been compromised - it's
> relatively easy but may not have happened

I don't think my computer is relevant -- the ObiHai VOIP device is a self 
contained device -- it doesn't need / use my computer for anything except:

   * many years ago, iirc, and occasionally since then, I've used it to go to 
an ObiHai web page to set up the ObiHai device, and specify the "provider" 
(Google Voice).  (Occasionally since then I've had to go back to that page and 
check or re-setup the device.)

   * if I want to do things like view the Google Voice phone log, I do that on 
a web page (on my computer).

> My working theory is the financial institution PBX was compromised and a
> small percentage of inbound calls intercepted. It was the OP's bad luck
> to be one of those.

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