
I just installed the very promising new desktop environment from
CutefishOS on my bullseye system. I learned that they offer an APT
repository with pre-built binaries:
deb [arch=amd64] http://packages.cutefishos.com bullseye main

First impression: It looks really cute ;-). Very clean and polished.

I will play around with it the next days. Maybe there are more people in
the Debian community who might be interested in trying it out and to
share their experiences with me?

My first difficulty is how to move the task bar to the second screen, so
that I can turn off the notebook display. Any idea?

If it turns out to be really that good as my first impression is, I
would love to get this included in Debian. I have no maintainer
experience, but I would be willing to colaborate in every possible way.



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