On Thu 17 Mar 2022 at 12:12:28 (+0000), Thomas Pircher wrote:
> David Wright wrote:
> > As I said, I tried that.
> Ack. I must have glossed over that. Sorry. The rest of my mail stands,
> though.
> > > You can configure various settings for the DNS resolver in your
> > > systemd-networkd setting and in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.
> > 
> > Like what?
> Full description here:
> https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.network.html#%5BDHCPv4%5D%20Section%20Options
> https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/resolved.conf.html

Yes, I read those, but I can see nothing to profitably change.

> But what I find useful is to be able to select per interface if DNS
> should be used from the DHCP server, if there is a clash.
> I also ended up disabling DNSSEC on some machines due to a broken
> server.

I am assuming that I don't have that problem at home. As for
on-the-road, I'm not sure I'd be capable of diagnosing such problems.

> > > On bookworm you also have the resolvectl tool, which helps debugging DNS
> > > issues.
> > 
> > And bullseye has that too. I don't really know how to use it.
> Cool. If you just type resolvectl, it will show you which information it
> got on each interface.

This is machine F, where /etc/resolv.conf is a file, containing :

$ resolvectl 
         Protocols: +LLMNR +mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
  resolv.conf mode: foreign
Current DNS Server:
       DNS Servers:

Link 2 (enp2s2)
Current Scopes: none
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Link 5 (wlp2s4)
Current Scopes: LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
$ host www.google.com
www.google.com has address
www.google.com has address
www.google.com has address
www.google.com has address
www.google.com has address
www.google.com has address
www.google.com has IPv6 address 2607:f8b0:4000:80e::2004
$ host www.lionunicorn.co.uk
www.lionunicorn.co.uk has address

Those responses were instantaneous. (I don't think I should expect
resolvectl query   to work here.)

And this is machine R, with systemd-resolved running:

$ ls -l /etc/resolv.conf 
lrwxrwxrwx [ … ] /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf
$ resolvectl
       Protocols: +LLMNR +mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
resolv.conf mode: stub

Link 2 (enp1s0)
Current Scopes: none
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Link 4 (wlan0)
    Current Scopes: DNS LLMNR/IPv4
         Protocols: +DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
Current DNS Server:
       DNS Servers:
$ host www.google.com
www.google.com has address
www.google.com has IPv6 address 2607:f8b0:4023:1002::63
www.google.com has IPv6 address 2607:f8b0:4023:1002::67
www.google.com has IPv6 address 2607:f8b0:4023:1002::93
www.google.com has IPv6 address 2607:f8b0:4023:1002::69
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

$ resolvectl query www.google.com
www.google.com: 2607:f8b0:4000:805::2004       -- link: wlan0
                       -- link: wlan0

-- Information acquired via protocol DNS in 33.6ms.
-- Data is authenticated: no
$ resolvectl query www.lionunicorn.co.uk
www.lionunicorn.co.uk: resolve call failed: Connection timed out

Here, host's substantive response was immediate, but I had to wait for
the prompt to return.

> You can also debug your slow queries by using "resolvectl query
> google.com". It will show you which interface the query goes out on and
> how long it took to get the response.

The attached file has the date, hour, hostname, systemd-resolved and
PID removed, and it pertains to the www.lionunicorn.co.uk query above.
Perhaps this would pinpoint a problem.

> > There seem to be timeouts involved in most cases, so   time ping -c 1 foo
> > will typically take 15sec, and host lookups will take 10 or 20sec.
> That is far too long. A wild guess: you may have received a bunch of
> unresponsive DNS servers from your DHCP reply, and your machine is
> trying to use them in turn, until it finds a working server?
> DNSSEC problem? Or do you get IPv6 addresses for the DNS server, but
> they are not reachable?
> You can try debugging this with the resolvectl tool, to find out the
> list of the servers. Then query them with the dig tool from the
> bind9-dnsutils package:
> dig google.com @
> Replace the IP address in @ with the an IP from the output of
> resolvectl.

This response is immediate on R:

$ dig www.lionunicorn.co.uk @

; <<>> DiG 9.16.22-Debian <<>> www.lionunicorn.co.uk @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 30004
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;www.lionunicorn.co.uk.         IN      A

www.lionunicorn.co.uk.  10800   IN      A

;; Query time: 191 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Mar 17 23:03:37 CDT 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 66


In case of interest, the query time (191, 195 msec) on machine R is
consistently slower than machine F (28, 44 msec). (R is a /much/
faster machine than F, being 10 years younger.)

> > # resolvectl query smtp.lionunicorn.co.uk   answered in 57.6 secs.
> > # resolvectl query lionunicorn.co.uk   failed with:
> > lionunicorn.co.uk: resolve call failed: Query timed out
> On my machine I get:
> # resolvectl query smtp.lionunicorn.co.uk
> smtp.lionunicorn.co.uk:         -- link: vlan3512
> -- Information acquired via protocol DNS in 31.0ms.
> -- Data is authenticated: no
> Try running the queries with dig, as described above.

Silly me: I used www this time, instead of smtp. But I just checked,
and it resolves the same address in the same time. It's all just
pointing at cloud204.unlimitedwebhosting.co.uk in reality.

> > The debug output is difficult to interpret, though I did notice that
> > it was reporting "cache misses" repeatedly on the same address (but
> > there must be some caching going on, because there was an occasional
> > hit being reported).
> It really sounds like some of the DNS servers are not reachable.
> > The idea of "debugging DNS issues" doesn't exactly thrill me. I'm
> > imagining a scenario where I'm sitting in an airport or motel room,
> > having managed to make a connection with iwd and negotiate their
> > captive portal or whatever, and then run into /this/ problem.
> Ack, fully understand. I do think there is something broken in your
> network setup or the server that gives you the list of DNS server is not
> configured correctly.

The same server is being used by machines F and R, and I could have
equally well set the two laptops up in the opposite configuration.
So something has to be wrong in the configuration of R. The nameserver
address of in R's /etc/resolv.conf goes into one end of
systemd-resolved, and should come out at the other end as,
the sole nameserver, residing at the edge of my LAN. What goes on
inside systemd-resolved's stomach is a deep mystery.

> If you have found a way to fix the problem, or work around it, by using
> another tool, and this works for you, all the power to you. :-)

Yes, either resolvconf (for travel), or a fixed suffices
(at home).

44:01 : Setting log level to debug.
44:01 : Sent message type=method_return sender=n/a destination=:1.40 path=n/a 
interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=40 reply_cookie=2 signature=n/a error-name=n/a 
44:38 : Got message type=method_call sender=:1.41 
destination=org.freedesktop.resolve1 path=/org/freedesktop/resolve1 
interface=org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager member=ResolveHostname cookie=2 
reply_cookie=0 signature=isit error-name=n/a error-message=n/a
44:38 : idn2_lookup_u8: www.lionunicorn.co.uk → www.lionunicorn.co.uk
44:38 : Looking up RR for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN A.
44:38 : Looking up RR for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA.
44:38 : Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a 
destination=org.freedesktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus 
interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=AddMatch cookie=41 reply_cookie=0 
signature=s error-name=n/a error-message=n/a
44:38 : Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a 
destination=org.freedesktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus 
interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=GetNameOwner cookie=42 reply_cookie=0 
signature=s error-name=n/a error-message=n/a
44:38 : Got message type=method_return sender=org.freedesktop.DBus 
destination=:1.1 path=n/a interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=17 reply_cookie=42 
signature=s error-name=n/a error-message=n/a
44:38 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
44:38 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
44:38 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
44:38 : Using DNS server for transaction 38413.
44:38 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
44:38 : Positive cache hit for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN A
44:38 : Transaction 27284 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN A> on scope dns on 
wlan0/* now complete with <success> from cache (unsigned).
44:38 : Got message type=method_return sender=org.freedesktop.DBus 
destination=:1.1 path=n/a interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=16 reply_cookie=41 
signature=n/a error-name=n/a error-message=n/a
44:38 : Match 
 successfully installed.
44:43 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
44:43 : Retrying transaction 38413.
44:43 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
44:43 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
44:43 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
44:43 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
44:48 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
44:48 : Retrying transaction 38413.
44:48 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
44:48 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
44:48 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
44:48 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
44:54 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
44:54 : Retrying transaction 38413.
44:54 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
44:54 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
44:54 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
44:54 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
44:59 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
44:59 : Retrying transaction 38413.
44:59 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
44:59 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
44:59 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
44:59 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:04 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:04 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:04 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:04 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:04 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:04 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:09 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:09 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:09 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:09 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:09 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:09 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:15 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:15 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:15 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:15 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:15 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:15 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:20 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:20 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:20 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:20 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:20 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:20 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:25 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:25 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:25 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:25 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:25 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:25 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:30 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:30 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:30 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:30 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:30 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:30 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:36 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:36 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:36 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:36 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:36 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:36 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:41 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:41 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:41 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:41 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:41 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:41 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:46 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:46 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:46 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:46 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:46 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:46 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:51 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:51 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:51 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:51 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:51 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:51 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
45:56 : Got DNS stub UDP query packet for id 16367
45:56 : Looking up RR for wren IN AAAA.
45:56 : Sending response packet with id 16367 on interface 1/AF_INET of size 33.
45:56 : Processing query...
45:57 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
45:57 : Retrying transaction 38413.
45:57 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
45:57 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
45:57 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
45:57 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
46:02 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
46:02 : Retrying transaction 38413.
46:02 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
46:02 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
46:02 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
46:02 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
46:07 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
46:07 : Retrying transaction 38413.
46:07 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
46:07 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
46:07 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
46:07 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
46:12 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
46:12 : Retrying transaction 38413.
46:12 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
46:12 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
46:12 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
46:12 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
46:18 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
46:18 : Retrying transaction 38413.
46:18 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
46:18 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
46:18 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
46:18 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
46:23 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
46:23 : Retrying transaction 38413.
46:23 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
46:23 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
46:23 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
46:23 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
46:28 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
46:28 : Retrying transaction 38413.
46:28 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
46:28 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
46:28 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
46:28 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
46:33 : Timeout reached on transaction 38413.
46:33 : Retrying transaction 38413.
46:33 : Cache miss for www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA
46:33 : Transaction 38413 for <www.lionunicorn.co.uk IN AAAA> scope dns on 
46:33 : Using feature level UDP+EDNS0 for transaction 38413.
46:33 : Sending query packet with id 38413 of size 50.
46:38 : Got message type=signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus destination=n/a 
path=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus 
member=NameOwnerChanged cookie=18 reply_cookie=0 signature=sss error-name=n/a 
46:38 : Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a 
destination=org.freedesktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus 
interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=RemoveMatch cookie=43 reply_cookie=0 
signature=s error-name=n/a error-message=n/a
46:38 : Freeing transaction 38413.
46:38 : Freeing transaction 27284.
46:38 : Sent message type=error sender=n/a destination=:1.41 path=n/a 
interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=44 reply_cookie=2 signature=s 
error-name=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Timeout error-message=Query timed out
46:38 : Got message type=error sender=org.freedesktop.DBus destination=:1.1 
path=n/a interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=19 reply_cookie=44 signature=s 
error-name=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown error-message=The name 
:1.41 was not provided by any .service files

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