On 4/29/2022 10:20 AM, duh wrote:

On 4/27/22 11:05 PM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

Having skimmed over a number of the replies, and really not being
qualified, may I just

toss out a probably useless ideas to use the "sync" command. Looking at
the 'man sync'

shows at the bottom several variants or whatever to sync. Just a thought
since when does

the data get transferred to the disk versus just being held in memory or

This is probably just a useless tangent based on my ignorance, but once
in awhile it is possible

to discover something when falls into a hole.

sync isn't about this. linux caches file system pages in memory - both content and metadata. sync is about forcing the changed pages back to disk, for example before shutting down. It's done automatically - maybe every 30 seconds (I'm not sure about linux on this). But sync does not change what programs see unless they use a direct to disk read, which is certainly not what's going on here.

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