On Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 05:55:23PM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
> Can someone please help me diagnose why dynupdater is not seeming to update
> my ip address so I cna access my local computer from somewhere else.
> ps ax |grep dyn
>    5237 ?        Sl   170:43 dyn_updater
>    5269 ?        Sl     5:38 /usr/bin/dyn_updater --daemon start
>  719685 pts/2    R+     0:00 grep dyn

I can't find a `dyn_updater' in any of the Debian repos. So tell us:

What /is/ dyn_updater? Where did you get it from? Does it have
documentation? A config file? Perhaps some logs?

Given the name and your description, the thing might update your
dyndns record (not your IP address: your ISP changes this one).
If this guess is correct, it'll depend on an external service.
May be this one is failing?

But that's only guesswork.


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