On Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 11:24:30PM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
> On 7/30/22 11:00 PM, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > On Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 05:55:23PM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
> > > Can someone please help me diagnose why dynupdater is not seeming to 
> > > update
> > > my ip address so I cna access my local computer from somewhere else.
> > > 
> > > ps ax |grep dyn
> > >     5237 ?        Sl   170:43 dyn_updater
> > >     5269 ?        Sl     5:38 /usr/bin/dyn_updater --daemon start
> > >   719685 pts/2    R+     0:00 grep dyn
> > I can't find a `dyn_updater' in any of the Debian repos. So tell us:
> > 
> > What /is/ dyn_updater? Where did you get it from? Does it have
> > documentation? A config file? Perhaps some logs?
> I was using ddclient and it wasn't working for possibly the same reason that
> dyn_updater isn't working.  I got dyn_updater from dyndns.org.
> > 
> > Given the name and your description, the thing might update your
> > dyndns record (not your IP address: your ISP changes this one).
> > If this guess is correct, it'll depend on an external service.
> If I understand this correctly ddclient and dyn_updater should tell my
> subdomain at dyndns.org what my current IP address so I can connect to my
> home computer.

(Note that I havent't got that thing, so take with a grain of

The next question(s) would be: is it documented? Does it have a
config? a log file?

Perhaps, if you know which service it is contacting and how (it
most probably is some HTTP(S) endpoint, since people seem to have
forgotten how to move stuff around the intertubes in some other
ways). You could try to manually contact that service and see
whether the connection works, there is a response, etc.


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