Hmm, big (to me) oops -- pre-2020 should have been pre-2000

On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 08:23:13 AM wrote:
> Background: My first encounters with NAT were back in the days (pre-2020)
> when my LAN consisted only of DOS (or Windows) computers.  One (DOS)


If you reply: snip, snip, and snip again; leave attributions; avoid HTML; 
avoid top posting; and keep it "on list".  (Oxford comma included at no 
charge.)  If you change topics, change the Subject: line. 

Writing is often meant for others to read (legal agreements excepted?) -- make 
it easier for your reader by various means, including liberal use of 

If someone else has already responded to a question, decide whether any 
response you add will be helpful or not ...

A picture is worth a thousand words -- divide by 10 for each minute of video 
(or audio) or create a transcript and edit it to 10% of the original.

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