On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 12:44:49AM +0100, DdB wrote:
> Am 29.11.2022 um 23:35 schrieb Loïc Grenié:
> >     when I apt upgrade my system, I often (one every three, more
> >   or less) find myself brutally logged out of the window system,
> >   with systemd services painfully restarting (or failing to restart).
> >   The only way I can recover is usually to reboot.
> Yes, i see similar problem, amd AFAICT it is somewhat related to my use
> of GNOME3. They insist on restarting the system for almost all package
> updates, but sometimes, i refuse to and keep the machine running without
> updating it. I am aware, this could cause troubles on the security-side.
> That is why i am keeping a long list of system-backups.

FWIW it never happened to me. But: I'm on a pretty minimal system by
today's standards (X, Fvwm). The only application behaving strangely
after a dist-upgrade is... the browser, Firefix: "Ohmigod, something
funny happened, I'll have to close this tab, I'm sooo sorry".

So it seems to be related to Gnome's love for complexity, yes (any
KDE/XFCE users out there?)


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