On 11/30/22, to...@tuxteam.de <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 12:36:43AM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> [...]
>> What I have noticed in Debian that I do not at all like, is when I boot
>> to
>> multi-user.target for the specific purpose of apt or apt-get upgrading,
>> even when
>> systemctl get-default returns multi-user.target, that if the DM is
>> upgraded, X
>> gets started shortly following. :(
> Oh, something I forgot: besides no DM, my init system is still
> SysV. This might or might not contribute to stability through
> simplicity.

I'm on SystemD and bounce between XFCE4 and LXQt. Mine has never done
anything like this in many years of playing with anything Linux.

At this second, I have bits of GNOME installed for themes. In the
past, I've had more than that, but I must have moved away from those
packages. A quick "apt-mark showinstall" says pinentry-gnome3 is the
only GNOME3 named package currently installed.

> My important apps (Emacs, then Emacs, then dunno ;-) don't lose
> data "just because the system goes down", so I'm pretty relaxed.

Once in a very rare while, upgrade will stall until I say yes or no
when it asks if I want to restart exim and a second program that I
can't remember.

> Still, it never happened to me, and I dist-upgrade roughly once
> a week.

I run "apt-get upgrade". It will take me a few days to remember to do
so, but I'll try both "apt upgrade" and dist-upgrade. Dist-upgrade was
already a to-do item. Will be my first use of that one so who knows
what else might possibly go wrong... or not.

Wondering out loud as I exit Stage Right: Is there any kind of
trace/strace or whatever that fancy deal is to see if that outputs

Cindy :)
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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