I had been using Debian 10 until I took some advice that I shouldn't
have, and upgraded one thing. That triggered a bunch more upgrades,
until too many things stopped working. So I reinstalled Debian 10
(waiting a while to see how 12 works out).

Now, in the new Debian 10 install Kalarm isn't working, and the author
doesn't respond.

Kalarm says it failed to append an item when I try to import my saved

There are eleven akonadi_kalarm_resource processes running, three
~/.,kde/share/config/akonadi_kalarm__resource* files, and five
~/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resrouce* directories with hundreds of
calendar.ics-* files.

Any ideas how to get kalarm working, and reduce the number of akonadi
files and directories?

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