On 2023-05-15 08:36:41 -0500, David Wright wrote:
> On Mon 15 May 2023 at 12:51:55 (+0200), Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > Under Debian/unstable, i.e. more much recent than stretch:
> > 
> > zira:~> dpkg -s net-tools
> > Package: net-tools
> > Status: install ok installed
> > Priority: important
> > [...]
> > 
> > This is still priority important!
> Not at all; AFAICT, the /internal/ Priority of the package has never
> changed.

But this is what the user sees.

> (Just guessing: if you installed it, you need it, and better
> hang on to it.)

Wrong. It got installed automatically. I suppose that this is because
this was like that in the past, when I installed the machine in 2015,
thus before stretch was out. I suspect that it wasn't removed because
of the remaining "Recommends" from pbuilder:

zira:~> aptitude why net-tools
i   pbuilder Recommends net-tools | iproute2

Note: iproute2 is installed too, but net-tools gets the preference.
This "Recommends" is rather strange if iproute2 is supposed to be

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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