On 6/9/23 19:36, Cousin Stanley wrote:

On 2023-06-09 13:00, gene heskett wrote:

 >> Did you log out and back in, or did you simply start
 >> a new XFCE4 terminal within an existing session?
 >> The .xsessionrc file is only read
 >> during X session startup, not when running
 >> various applications like terminal emulators.
 >>> (Yes, I know, it's a PAIN to log out and back in,
 >>> at least for me, and> it sounded like for you too...
 >>> but it's required for this test to be meaningful.
 >>> logging out and back in may as well be a reboot.

   I sometimes update the  .xsessionrc  file
   for various reasons and then source it
   to activate the changes without logging out
   or restarting ....

     sk@jhp1  03:52 PM  ~
     $ echo "export SKUNK='pee euuu' " >> .xsessionrc

     sk@jhp1  03:53 PM  ~
     $ echo $SKUNK

     sk@jhp1  03:53 PM  ~
     $ source .xsessionrc

     sk@jhp1  03:53 PM  ~
     $ echo $SKUNK
     pee euuu

A neat trick, thanks. if I can remember it. I've reached that age where I can't remember what, if anything I had for breakfast most mornings.
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
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