I recently upgraded my display to a 4K monitor.

I am running it with a new instance of Debian 12 under the Mate desktop, though I think the problem happens with other desktops.

I had the immediate problem that most text was almost too small to view. This occurred in many different applications and especially Google Chrome.

There are a variety of tweaks you can do to adjust the font sizes for applications and for Mate defaults. None are really satisfactory and for Google Chrome it was impossible to increase the microscopic size of the text in the address bar and the size of the adjacent icons.

I did a fair bit of research and tried the various chrome 'cheats' but with little or no  effect.

There is however an easy fix that I discovered. Ditch Nouveau!

I put in the Nvidia driver for my board and instantly almost all the font problems were solved. In fact I had to go back and undo all the font overrides I had in order to get an easily usable desktop.

This may well work with AMD graphics cards as well, but I've not tested it.


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