After much searching and reading, I have not discovered how to set up
a pair of git repositories to work together.

I write articles for publication.  I typically spend anywhere from
several hours to many days on each article.  It is frustrating to work
for an hour or two on a paragraph or a page and then accidentally to
erase what I have written.

In the past, I have found git to be a very good solution.  But now I
am moving to a new computer, and I an having difficulty replicating
the previous setup.

My needs are simple.  I need two git repositories.

The first is my work space, into which periodically I commit the
article on which I am working.

The second repository is my backup; it resides on another machine.
Several times a day, I SSH into the backup machine and pull the
working repository.  It would be nice to be able to push from WORKING
to BACKUP, eliminating the need to SSH.

I cloned the WORKING repository from the old host, and the WORKING
repository appears to function correctly.  But I do not know how to
configure the BACKUP repository.  I tried the BARE option, but I am not
able to push from WORKING to BACKUP.


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