On 26 Oct 2023 17:23 +0200, from hans.ullr...@loop.de (Hans):
> I installed aqemu (a GUI for qemu), virt-manger (a little bit complex GUI) 
> and 
> virtualbox (from Oracle, but without guest-additions annd ext-pack).

You generally shouldn't install multiple hypervisors on the same
system. I have seen fairly sternly worded warnings against having
VirtualBox and KVM/QEMU installed simultaneously on the same host.
(They probably can _coexist_, but trying to _run_ both at the same
time may well cause issues.) There should be no problems with using
different front-ends for the same hypervisor, however; I regularly use
both virt-manager and the command-line utilities (including
virt-install and virsh) depending on what I need.

> Virtualbox is easy to use, but I like AQEMU, too (it is using KVM).
> Are the other solutions capable, to import and export OVA or VDI?

I think you can use `qemu-img convert -f vdi -O qcow2` to convert from
a VDI disk image to a QCOW2 or raw disk image, which QEMU/KVM in turn
can use. (qemu-img convert can also convert to and from many other
formats; see the output of qemu-img --help.) Compared to raw disk
images, QCOW2 adds a number of nice features, not least of which disk

In Debian, qemu-img is packaged in qemu-utils (in Bookworm, at least).

Apparently, a OVA is just a tarball of a hard disk image and a XML
file describing the VM. It shouldn't be too difficult to convert the
disk image and then create a similar KVM VM using the information in
the XML file. It looks like there's a tool named virt-v2v which can do
the conversion, although I have never had a need to try it.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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