Yes, a little bit "googleing" showed me that way. However, it looks, that none 
of the other solutions can import OVA via the graphical interface. 

However, for me the CLI will be ok, but I am lazy and would like to do it 
graphical, if possible. 

But looks like none of the other solutions are capable of this. It is a pity, 
but ok.

Thanks for the advice anyway

Best regards


> I think you can use `qemu-img convert -f vdi -O qcow2` to convert from
> a VDI disk image to a QCOW2 or raw disk image, which QEMU/KVM in turn
> can use. (qemu-img convert can also convert to and from many other
> formats; see the output of qemu-img --help.) Compared to raw disk
> images, QCOW2 adds a number of nice features, not least of which disk
> snapshots.
> In Debian, qemu-img is packaged in qemu-utils (in Bookworm, at least).
> Apparently, a OVA is just a tarball of a hard disk image and a XML
> file describing the VM. It shouldn't be too difficult to convert the
> disk image and then create a similar KVM VM using the information in
> the XML file. It looks like there's a tool named virt-v2v which can do
> the conversion, although I have never had a need to try it.

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