Am 28.10.2023 um 17:22:18 Uhr schrieb Susmita/Rajib:

> I am still hoping, despite what Mr.Purgert suggests in his post:
>, that I
> will be able to find a Debian-approved wireless networking card and
> that my HP laptop BIOS would allow it to be used instead of the native
> wireless card.

My experience with HP laptops (and most other laptops due to FCC
reasons) is that only the devices sold with that model (some models
support different modules, e.g. to have more expensive Intel for vPro
logo and cheaper Broadcoms).

My guess it to look at the HP website to see which NICs were shipped
with your laptop, then check how they are supported.

If none is good for you, you may think about Expresscard or USB

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