On 27/10/2023 23:03, gene heskett wrote:

I suggest you file a bug against this command to among other things, clean up the language to refer to FQDN's or aliases which we are familiar with, "static, transient or pretty" as so called choices. If using new words for old, either define them so we do understand or remove them in favor of names we are familiar with.

If you see a bug then why somebody else should report it?

It is not clear for me why hostnamectl(1) should discuss FQDN. The scope of hostnamectl is host name as it is stored in kernel structures: gethostname(2), sethostname(2), uts_namespaces(7); and persistence across reboots (/etc/hostname). Another part is representation of the host in GUI and in responses to multicast service discovery ("pretty"). FQDN as described in hostname(1) is related to name resolver (hosts entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf). So hostname(1) deals with more features than hostnamectl. nss-myhostname(8) affects "hostname --all-fqdns", but I am unsure if it does it in the way expected by hostname(1).

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