On Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 02:14:17PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> I suspect this may be an X-Y problem. The OP appears to already have
> a working sid, but it's on a disk that may be failing.
>   https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2023/11/msg00013.html
> The idea of upgrading an installation is probably unattractive, as
> they appear to only have access to a weak, remote wifi signal, and
> they supply their phone's internet connection from the same source
> indirectly (by feeding a router from their computer), so tethering
> is out. (
>   https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2023/10/msg00730.html
> has not been contradicted.)
> So I have to ask why they don't just copy their existing sid to the
> new hard drive, make it bootable, and run that instead.

OH my god! Why did not I tought of just copying it before all this mess.

I already managed to install debian from scratch and upgrade it to sid
on new HD. Now I have to install all the programs i use. And that is the
mess.  because I have used debain since Sarge version and keep copying
files and setups from old to new computer/HD whenever I upgraded hardware
(I started with Pentium I - or whatever name was it then). So I have
lot of programs and configuring files to deal with.

This is also why my reply to this email is soo late (I have been
configuring new system). And for now I have not installed many
programs I need to new system so I use old system up to reply this email.

So I will probably ask more questions later (especialy about setting
up local wifi router - I have some problems with that - but I will
leave it for little later).

Thank you all for help provided so far.

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