On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 2:11 AM Andy Smith <a...@strugglers.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> Again ignoring your more non-constructive complaints…
> TL;DR: Try USB networking like by plugging in your phone or a USB
> ethernet/wifi dongle.
> On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 07:39:20PM +0000, Richard Smith wrote:
> > The only place I found that had the driver required me to install
> > more content from online (which I can't access, due to the laptop
> > not having an Ethernet port, as well as no wireless).
> It is not unusual for computers (especially laptops) with newer
> hardware to not have needed drivers contained in the distro kernel.
> It's worth thinking about how you will handle that before you buy
> it.
> One valid strategy for handling that is, "I will consider just using
> Ubuntu, or Fedora, or whatever, and only buy hardware that works in
> those distributions."
> Assuming you want to continue with a distribution that doesn't
> ship a kernel that supports your wifi, and you need to get files
> onto the computer, you will have to get a bit more creative.
> As mentioned in the other thread, I have a laptop that has such a
> wifi card. I solved the problem of no initial networking by plugging
> a USB cable from my phone to the laptop. NetworkManager then offered
> to use it as a USB network connection without me having to configure
> anything at all. It was a one click temporary solution to getting
> the wifi driver DKMS and everything needed to compile it.
> Other possibilities off the top of my head:
> - USB ethernet dongle
> - USB wifi dongle with a supported chipset

I got burned on my last Laptop Upgrade. No WiFi, basic GPU etc. I upgraded
to Debian testing to get the latest drivers and all was good. I upgraded
straight through testing to Bookworm stable-new. It sounds like you may
want to do the same thing with Trixie. I bought one of these, a little
pricey but having it on hand to get my system up and running was worth
every penny. It is not the latest and greatest but it runs on all free


> - File transfer by USB
> I'm sure you and others can think of more.
> > I am spending WAY too much time installing this - with very little
> > to show for it!
> Don't use it then. Non-actionable complaints are difficult to
> address in a volunteer project and it's totally fine for you to use
> something else. There are certainly things I do not use Debian (or
> Linux in general) for that while they would be technically possible,
> are just "way too much time" for me to consider worth it. The answer
> isn't for me to drop my complaints at Linux's door.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> --
> https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

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