On 12/20/23 10:11, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Am Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 08:13:12AM -0500 schrieb Pocket:
On 12/20/23 07:59, Andy Smith wrote:

Every 60 days I get kicked from this list which I receive an email stating
my kick value is 2%.
I receive this mails, too. The first impression is scary, but in the
body there is an explanation. The statement is that there are some
bounces but your account will be deleted if the kick rate exceeds a
limit much higher than 2%. AFAIR the limit is 80% so so.

I have heard that there is a countermeasure against spam run be big mail
providers by rejecting the first contact by SMTP and accepting the next
contact. Most spammers seem to try just once.

I am not sure if this is 100% true or related to your situation.
Please verify the content of the kick rate mail. I am quite sure that it
is not as serious as it sounds on the first impression.

Kind regards,

I think you missed my point.

I get/have a kick rate of 2% (one bounce in the last 60 days), then I am kicked and no longer receive anything from the user list.

After many attempts over several days.......

I finally get email from majord...@lists.debian.org that tells me this

You are subscribed to the following lists:

List                                    Address
====                               =======
debian-arm                 poc...@columbus.rr.com
debian-security-announce poc...@columbus.rr.com

I spend several days trying to subscribed to the list, with the web signup ALWAYS time out with a gateway error.

I than spend hours trying to get majord...@lists.debian.org to reply.

emails to the list maintainer either are not delivered(black hole?) or I get not response.

As you see I have now reestablished my subscription to this list, which if past practice is any indicator I will get banned again in 30 days for email bounces.  Of which I have zero control over.

PS.  pretty hard to debug this when you receive no responses from majord...@lists.debian.org or the list maintainer as you have nothing to look at or to work with.

Hindi madali ang maging ako

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