On Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 10:25:27PM +0100, Hans wrote:
> Sorry, did I impress myself so wrong?
> What I meant, were the packages for the driver, which Brother provide. 
> If you want to know, take a look at support.brother.com, see which I mean.

Someone else going to a web site today is NOT necessarily going to figure
out what version of what package YOU got from a web site at some unknown
point in the past.

The web site may have changed.  New versions of packages may be there.
Different packages may be there.  Packages may have been removed because
the developers have ruled them obsolete, or because the managers have
decided to charge money for them.  We have no idea.

Even if the web site hasn't changed since you went there, there might
be more than one thing on the web site, and we wouldn't know which one
you got.

If you want people to be able to help you, it's in your best interest
to be CLEAR about EXACTLY what you're using.

You do that by telling us what it is -- its name, and its version number,
if it has one.

You do THAT by writing your email FROM THE DEBIAN SYSTEM on which you
are having the problem -- or in the worst case, you write the email on
the same system from which you have an ssh session to the Debian system,
so that you can easily run commands and paste them and paste their output
from the Debian system into the email you are writing.

The most basic request for help with a printer should include:

 * Which version of Debian you're running.
 * What model of printer you're using.
 * How the printer is connected to the Debian system.
 * What printing software you're using on the Debian system.
 * What the problem is.  (Show exact error messages if possible!)

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