On Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 05:23:34PM +0100, Nicolas George wrote:
> Haines Brown (12024-01-08):
> > I find that often (such as wiki.debian.org/CDDVD) I'm told to mount 

Understood about not mounting CDROM disks. Confused music with data 

> > The mplayer command $ mplayer -cdrom-device /dev/sr0 cdda:// works. On 
> > my system it relies on alsa. However, about every 15 seconds the the 
> > process stops for about one second ane the drive LED flashes on. In 
> > the mplayer configuration I do D not see anything about buffer size.
> Search for “cache” in the man page.

Thanks! That solved my problem. I find cache (enable/disable) and 
cache size (cache). 

In /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf there is a cache section. I changed the 

        # cache = 8192
        cache = 16384

and that seems to  have fixed the buffer problem.
> > To simplify my life, I created a ~/scripts/play file. It is in my 
> > PATH. The file has this content:
> > 
> >   #!/bin/sh
> > 
> >   mplayer /dev/sr0 cdda://
> > 
> >   exit 0
> > 
> > But the $ play command only returns the aplay -help info. Why won't 
> > the script work?
> You forgot the “-cdrom-device” option. And judging from what you are
> saying you need to learn how $PATH works.

The scripts folder is in my path. I holds many commands I regularly 

Turns out that the "play" command was earlier taken by another 
application. So I changed the command from play to Play, and now it 
works without the cache problem. The Play command is:

        mplayer /dev/sr0 cdda://

The option -cdrom-device is default and so is optional. Mplayer works 
fine without it. 

> But unless you cannot spare 60 megaoctets somewhere, save yourself a lot
> of trouble: just run cdparanoia -B then opusenc and put back the audio
> CD at the back of the shelf where it belongs.

where can find an inexpensive drive to hold about 1000 cds and find 
the time do all the converting? ㋡ 

> Regards,
> -- 
>   Nicolas George


     Haines Brown 

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