
On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 02:58:13PM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> I don't foresee real cron going away any time soon.

If you today install bookworm base system and select no packages,
the only reason why you get cron is because logrotate depends upon
it. If you do not need logrotate then you can also remove cron, and
nothing complains.

It seems likely that at some point logrotate will become optional
(because of journald) or that logrotate will get a systemd timer, at
which point cron wouldn't be installed on a base install unless
there is some other package dependency.

On this list we already saw a post from someone who did not have
cron installed. Initially I thought that was a rather bold
modification by their hosting provider, but it turned out that they
really did have no package that depended upon cron.

So as far as Debian is concerned I do see it as fairly inevitable
that cron soon doesn't get installed on many systems and
increasingly becomes a curiosity, but since it will have to stick
around until the last package stops shipping (only) a cron job,
arguably it still remains in the archive for a very long time yet.


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