On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 04:06:31PM +0100, David Baron wrote:
| I never set up LVM (I only have one partition--should probably change this, 
| but) and so it must have gotten in the bootup sequence because the UI in 
| Webmin. In any event, in 2.4.22, it worked, no VM groups.
| Under 2.6.2-*, get LVM "module not loaded?" message on bootup and shutdown.

That message comes from trying to use LVM1 (package 'lvm10') with
kernel 2.6.  LVM1 only works with kernel 2.4 (and requires the module

| 1. If I do not need it, how do I "turn it off" ?

Remove the lvm10 package (and lvm-common, too) if you don't use them.

| 2. When I do need it, how do I get it working again under 2.6.*?

I'm not entirely sure.  I've tried a couple times but failed.
However, I do know that you'll need LVM2 (package 'lvm2') and device
mapper (kernel module 'dm-mod').  (I do have LVM2 working with kernel
2.4 and a LVM1-format volume, just not with kernel 2.6)


"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
    --Jim Elliot
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