On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 10:29:39PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> What I never understood is locally they tell bicyclists that you stop
> faster locking the brakes and everybody else to absolutely avoid doing
> so.  Never mind that if you can stick a fast stop with good brakes, as
> hard as you can without locking the wheels, you stop way, way faster
> than skidding, especially going downhill...and I don't know anybody
> who enjoys the smell of burning rubber...

Locking the real wheel is easy and won't give you much breaking.
Locking the front wheel is not very fun :) as you tend to go
flying over the handlebars. Basically the wheel's not spinning
so you and the rest of the bike end up spinning over it.

I believe the proper technique is to brake harder with the front brakes
and apply enough pressure to the rear brakes so that you can feel when 
the rear wheel is just about to lift off.

There is some information along these lines on:

Bijan Soleymani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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