Sorry about that - I seem to have stepped into a bit of a tiff. I was skimming and saw a Sniffer reference and jumped in - I shouldn't do that (I should get more sleep). At any rate, the pattern matching engine can run at any point... Sniffer as it is packaged now runs after submission, but the engine can easily be used up-front during the SMTP conversation before or after DATA. That's just not how it's currently packaged.

The pattern matching engine came from my robotics research and was later adapted to fast interpreted scripting engines in he early 80s (When cpus and memory were slow and bulky). The concept for robotics was that a complex hierarchical reflex mechanism capable of real-time responses would be continually tuned by slower analysis engines. What is now inside Message Sniffer was once designed to interpret a wide array of sensor data and produce complex, directed real-time responses under the guidance (symbiotically anyway) of a goal seeking machine learning system. It was a kind of autonomic nervous system with a bit of brain-stem attached.

If anybody cares to take the technology to the SMTP end of an email application (or even level 3 routing / filtering / switching) it can be done extremely well... We have to start somewhere though... So we filter spam - go figure.

Anyway, as has been pointed out, for this application there are tools available that need no repackaging or development. (even if it might be fun)


At 11:46 PM 2/10/2004, you wrote:

Everything  that  Sniffer  does  is  after  submission,  so  it really
wouldn't apply.

It could be adapted to any application where a rapid recognition and response to data patterns is required. For example, picking an email address out of an SMTP envelope, or for that matter implementing the entire protocol (though that might be a silly thing to do). It does spam filtering after submission right now just because it's packaged that way. (I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way... Jessica Rabit)


------------------------------------ Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist Broadleaf Systems, a division of Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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