> 1) Envelope rejection (and all that comes with it).

Already extant, as previously discussed.

> 2) SMTP AUTH (so it can co-exist on the same server as IMail, and handle 
> hosted accounts with redundancy).

This is going to be very difficult relative to the other ideas, if you
continue  to  resist AD. With AD as the back end, you can authenticate
to  SMTP using any valid credentials in any permissioned context. It's
already  done  like  this  by  people  who  run  Exchange  and want to
instantly offload SMTP AUTH sessions from their mailbox servers.

I do not think that adding an additional out-of-context authentication
method is going to be worth attempting.

> 3) An external application handler that would allow for things like 
> Declude JunkMail, Virus, and Message Sniffer.

Well...we're basically already doing this with a transport event sink.
I  didn't want to mention it yet, but I've been using our own external
tests under MS SMTP for the past month on one server, for example.

> 4) A message splitter, so actions can be based on individual addresses 
> instead of individual messages.

Easy  enough  to  code  within  an event sink, though I've never had a
desire for this because the overhead could be crippling and it's quite
counter to SMTP as a protocol.

Giving  Declude  the ability to (a) natively interpret a single RFC822
file  with  MS headers, as passed by MS SMTP (right now, you'd have to
write  out  a  dummy Q file, which is easy but an admitted extra step)
would  be  nice  to have. And being able to disable all daisy-chaining
with  a  GLOBAL.CFG  setting, since MS will automatically proceed with
message processing once control is returned to the service, would make
SMTP32 log errors go away. IMO+E, none of this requires anything crazy
to   be   done   by   SortMonster  or  Declude--except  for  licensing
clarifications! :)


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

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