> Not correct. Database mirroring is supported in Std Edition, but you
> need  two licenses.

Hmm, the Hor$e's Mouth disagrees:


> The  third  server,  the  "witness"  server  can be an XP OS and SQL
> Server 2005 Express (Free version) can be used on the witness server
> since   it  does  a  crucial  function  but  doesn't  do  any  heavy
> processing.

A  regrettably  complex  architecture,  compared  to the simplicity of
clustering.  Kind  of  crazy,  actually. Seems perhaps you can run the
witness  server  as a different instance, or at least in a VM, instead
of ponying up for a 3rd piece of hardware... ? Yuck, no matter what.

> And of course, you need to be using the new SQL server 2005 native
> client libraries on the client stations for transparent/automatic
> failover.

Sounds  like  another  reason this is not necessarily implementable in
full,  depending on your client layout, fixed commercial applications,
and so on.

BUT overall, we're comparing apples and oranges. OP (Serge) is talking
about  clustering  Hyper File (the proprietary WINDEV back end), which
means   he   needs   an  application-agnostic  solution:  Double-Take,
eCluster, Microsoft clusters, etc.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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